Tag Archives: bananas

Halloween Ghosts and Globins!

29 Oct


Hi! My name is Amie Mencer and I am a dietetic intern from the University of Oklahoma currently working with ONIE! First, something important to know about me is that I love learning about nutrition, but I also have a major sweet tooth. Chocolate is my weakness but any sweet or sugary item will do. I always get excited when Halloween rolls around because the shops are stocked with extra candy and treats and I’m pretty much in candy land heaven.

However, being the sweets fanatic and dietetic intern I am, I know that too much candy doesn’t fit into a healthy and nutritious diet. In fact, 4% of the entire United States yearly consumption of candy is consumed on Halloween alone­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­. Therefore, I like to stock my house with lots of festive treats that don’t overload my diet on sugar and fat but still let me celebrate the holiday. One way to do this is to start dressing up your daily fruit. Of course I cannot take credit for all of these ideas but from a ‘hope to be dietitian’ standpoint I think these hit the “A”  list for Halloween treats. Also remember that when you are enjoying some candy this season, a little bit is okay in moderation.

Here are some simple tips to not over do the candy crazy2:

  • Buy what you need.
  • Eat carbohydrates and proteins together to keep you full before going out trick or treating
  • Get creative with fruit
  • Watch out for trans fats in cookies or crackers
  • Buy in bite sized pieces

Try these easy, healthy and cheap treats to help you start the holiday off right!


Frozen Ghost Bananas!

Ingredients: Bananas, non-fat greek yogurt (any flavor), chocolate chips, cheerios, raisins, popsicle sticks, baking sheet, wax paper

How To: Place wax paper on baking sheet for easy clean up. Take banana out of peel and cut banana straight down the middle so that you have two even sides. Cut each side across the middle so you are left with four even slices. Stick one popsicle stick in the bottom of each banana slice. Next, dip banana in yogurt and cover well. A spoon might be helpful for this step. Place banana on baking sheet and add chocolate chips or raisins for eyes and cheerios for mouths.  Place yogurt covered banana on wax paper and baking sheet in freezer for a few hours until frozen.

Tip: Use firm bananas so they can be covered with yogurt easily.


Mini Clementine Pumpkins!

Ingredients: Clementine’s, celery sticks

How To: Peel clementine’s completely and throw away skins. Take one washed celery stalk and cut in half length wise. Cut stalk into ¼ to ½ inch pieces and push into middle of clementine.

Tip: Cut the bottom of the celery piece into a point to stick celery more easily into the clementine.


Grape Worms!

Ingredients: Grapes (red or green), raisins, chocolate chips, peanut butter, shish kabob skewers

How To: Wash grapes well and let try. Take skewer and slowly load individual grapes onto skewer either horizontally or vertically. When skewer is full take two raisins or chocolate chips and attach with a teeny bit of peanut butter for eyes on the last grape.


Gross Goblin Teeth!

Ingredients: Apples (any kind), peanut butter, raisins, knife

How To: Wash apple, cut into fourths and slice out core. Slice each fourth apple into three small slices. Using two slices, spread peanut butter onto one side of each apple slice. Stick one row of raisins upright in the peanut butter across the apple slice to look like teeth. Complete smile by adding the remaining apple slice, peanut butter facing down to the top of raisins.

Tip: Use large apples for easier preparation, this one is messy!


Dirty Band Aids!

Ingredients: whole grain graham crackers, cream cheese, red jelly (any flavor)

How To: Break graham cracker on cracker indents into fourths. Spread cream cheese in a square shape in just the center of the cracker piece until smooth. Add a small drop of jelly for fake blood.

Tip: Non fat yogurt can substitute for cream cheese or whole grain cracker can substitute for graham cracker.

Other healthy and easy ideas for Halloween can be drawing pumpkin faces onto peel away fruit skins such as bananas and oranges, wrapping fruit or fruit juice boxes in paper towels as dressed up mummies, cutting sandwiches into tombstones or ghosts, make a veggie skeleton with left over vegetables around the house or add eyeballs onto almost anything for a touch of Halloween!

Have a Happy and Healthy Halloween!






ABCS of Kids’ Food Games

13 Aug


The first week of a new school year is a very exciting time for children. With all this excitement kids are bound to be hungry when they come home. It is important to have healthy and easy snack choices ready for kids. The ONIE Project has two great afterschool snacks that parents and children can make together: apple race cars and banana bugs. These snacks are really cool because they are foods that kids can play with! Making and playing with their own food is a great way to introduce kids to healthier choices in a fun way. Kids are more likely to eat food they make themselves, even if it is something they haven’t tried before. Creating these snacks also gives a chance for families to spend time together and helps to build creativity and self-confidence in kids. We hope you and your family enjoy these snacks as much as we do!

Apple Race Cars



Apples of any kind or color (1 apple makes 6 cars)
1 Bag Pretzel Sticks (2 sticks per apple slice)
1 Bag Red or Green Grapes (2 grapes per car)


  1. Cut apples into 6 slices removing seeds and core
  2. Cut grapes in half width wise (short)
  3. Insert pretzel sticks into apple for wheel spokes
  4. Place grapes on the ends of the pretzel sticks to create car wheels
  5. Use extra ingredients to decorate car if desired
  6. Apple cars are ready to be played with and eaten!

ONIE Test Kitchen Tip: Other ingredients such as cut string cheese can also be used as wheels!

Banana Bugs



2 Bananas (add more if needed)
Red Grapes
1 Bag Sliced Almonds
1 Package of Pretzel Sticks
Cheerios (optional)
Raisins (optional)
Whole Wheat Tortillas


  1. Peel and cut bananas in half width ways
  2. Decorate banana bug anyway you want!
  3. Example: Use pretzel sticks for legs, cheerios or grapes for eyes, tortillas for wings, almonds slices for spikes (the combinations are endless!)

Have a great and healthy school year! Jade and the ONIE Team

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Keeping Cool with Easy & Healthy Summertime Treats!

26 Jun

The weather forecast is hot this week!  The ONIE team is sharing our favorite summer treats!  These treats are easy, tasty, and healthy.  Even better, by making your own you will know what is in them and you can save money!  Making the final lists are frozen red grapes, popsicles, frozen banana bites, and fruit dip.

Frozen Red Grapes

Frozen Red Grapes

This frozen treat tastes better to us than ice cream! We gave it 5 stars in easiness and 5 stars in taste!


1. Rinse grapes well and drain.
2. Remove grapes from vine and place in freezer bag or in covered cup or bowl.
3. Place in the freezer for 2 to 3 hours or until frozen solid.
4. Remove from freezer, serve immediately and enjoy!
(Leftovers can be stored by returning the frozen grapes to the freezer.)

This delicious treat is ready for a quick snack at any time!

Homemade Popsicle Treats


It is easy, breezy to make homemade popsicles.  They are colorful, refreshing, and give us extra fluid during these hot summer months.  The popsicles molds can be filled with juices, yogurts, or even chocolate milk.  You can even add raw or frozen fruit like strawberries, bananas, or blueberries.  No rules on this one!  Your imagination is the limit!!!

The molds can be purchased at discount stores and will quickly pay for themselves with the money you save instead of buying expensive frozen treats.  However, you can make your own mold with a 3 oz. small paper or plastic cup.   A small wooden craft stick can serve as a simple, clean popsicle stick.  Below is a recipe for a parfait popsicle treat using plastic cups and wooden sticks for the mold.

Preparing popsciles-adding yogurt.

Preparing popsciles-adding yogurt.


1 ½ cups 100% orange juice
1 cup low-fat vanilla yogurt
1 ½ cups 100% pomegranate blueberry or cranberry juice
1 cup of water
11 to 13 wooden craft sticks
11 to 13 3 oz. cups
Wax paper or aluminum foil

Popsciles are covered and ready for the freezer!

Popsciles are covered and ready for the freezer!


            1. Dilute juice by adding ½ cup of water to each type of juice.
            2. Add 1 oz. of diluted 100% orange juice to cup (fill to about 1/3 of a cup).
            3. Place wooden stick into cup and cover cup with aluminum foil or wax paper.*
            4. Freeze 1 to 2 hours.
            5. Remove from freezer and add 1 oz. of low-fat vanilla yogurt (fill to about 2/3 of a cup).
            6. Recover with aluminum foil and freeze 1 hour.
            7. Remove from freezer and add 1 oz. of diluted 100% pomegranate blueberry or cranberry juice.
            8. Recover with aluminum foil and freeze until solid (1 to 2 hours).
              *Punch or cut a hole in the aluminum foil to hold wooden stick in place.

The recipe will make about 11 to 13 popsicles. Serve frozen, we hope you enjoy!!

Frozen Banana Bites

Chocolate-peanut Butter Covered Bananas

Dipping fruit into a chocolate, peanut butter mixture turns it into a special treat.  As a bonus, the dip adds protein to your diet.


1 to 2 bananas
¼ cup chocolate chips
1 Tbsp peanut butter


  1. Peel banana and slice into 1 inch bite size pieces.
  2. Place the banana slices in a single layer on a plate or on a piece of wax paper.
  3. Cover with plastic wrap or wax paper and place in freezer for 1 to 2 hours.
  4. Place chocolate chips and peanut butter in bowl and mix.
  5. Place the chocolate chip/peanut butter mixture in microwave and cook for 30 seconds. Stir. Repeat and continue to cook until chocolate chips melt.
  6. Dip or cover the frozen banana slices into mixture and serve.
  7. For an extra chill, place dipped bananas back into the freezer for another hour.

Delicious Fruit Dip


This treat is a healthier lower-fat and lower-calorie version of peanut butter fruit dip.  It meets our goal of being easy and quick.  We especially love it with apple slices.


5 oz. fat-free vanilla yogurt (a little more than ½ cup)
2 Tbsp peanut butter
2 Tbsp honey
½ tsp. ground cinnamon or pumpkin pie spice.
3 to 4 apples


  1. Mix yogurt, peanut butter, honey, and ground cinnamon in a bowl until well blended.
  2. Slice apples into wedges.
  3. Pour 1/4 of the mixture into a small bowl with 1 sliced apple and serve.
  4. Refrigerate left overs in 2 to 3 hours.

Stay Cool This Sizzling Summer!



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